Project News

Climate Ready Midwest is a multistate partnership working to increase the impact of climate-smart agriculture across the region. Our goals are lofty with long-term change in mind. We will be updating this blog routinely with updates on project work, events, and news. So, be sure to check this page periodically for the latest project news, or sign up for our project updates to get updates directly in your inbox!

A map highlighting the Midwest states in the U.S., including Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio.

Extension and USDA Climate Hubs Work to Build a Climate-Resilient Midwest

Three projects operate within the Midwest to build partnerships, relationships, and collaborations for agricultural resilience in the face of climate change. Funding for these projects is intended to foster new ideas and collaboration, especially between Extension and the USDA Climate Hubs, and comes from the National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA). Learn more about these projects and how they compliment each other’s efforts to build a climate-resilient Midwest.


The Extension Road to Resilience: Insights from the North Central ANR Program Leaders Meeting

The Climate Ready Midwest team recently attended the a meeting with Extension program leaders in agriculture and natural resources across the 12-state north central region. The CRM team was invited to share project findings exploring climate programming in Extension and relevant regional and national partnerships and resources. 


Climate and Agriculture Conversations with Extension at Historically Black Land-Grants in the Midwest

The Climate Ready Midwest team has been busy connecting with Extension colleagues at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the Midwest. Team members traveled to Ohio and Missouri to host workshops with our agricultural educator and specialist counterparts, and their close partners, at both Central State University (CSU) and Lincoln University (LU). Continue reading to learn more about the workshops.

A hand-drawn image of the globe. On the bottom half, the globe is covered with cars and factories spewing pollution. The sky behind the globe has an unhealthy green pallor. On the top half, young hands are erasing and redrawing the globe filled with greenery, solar panels, and windmills. The sky is blue with clouds.

Integrating NCA5 into Extension Programming: An Interview with Aaron Wilson

Explore the role of the 5th National Climate Assessment (NCA5) in Extension programming through this interview with the Lead Author for the Midwest Chapter. This post highlights authoritative, timely, and transparent NCA5 materials, including region- and topic-specific chapters and an Art x Climate gallery. And – don’t miss the Midwest Chapter webinar on February 20!

wet field

Introducing Climate Ready Midwest: Empowering Extension Professionals in Climate-Smart Agriculture

Hello! And welcome to the Climate Ready Midwest project blog. We are a multi-state partnership working with the USDA’s Midwest Climate Hub to increase the impact of climate-smart agriculture here in the Midwest. You can learn more about our project and team here. 

Our stated goals are to: 

-help define what climate-smart agriculture means to the midwestern Extension agricultural community, and 

-to empower Extension professionals to lead climate-informed agricultural programming across the Midwest. 

These are lofty goals, so let’s dig in a little.